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About Us
MIS Academy Europe (legal entity: European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery) devotes its activities to science, education, training and accreditation in the field of gynaecological surgery.
We develop and offer structured programmes for training and education in gynaecological endoscopy for residents and postgraduates.
Our office is based in the High Breed centre Leuven, Belgium.Our History: In 2004, the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) decided to establish a platform for this kind of collaboration in the field of scientific research and standardisation.
It decided to combine clinical experience, scientific thoughts and investigation among gynaecological endoscopists and practitioners.
Hence, the European Academy of Gynaecological Endoscopy (EAGE) was founded in September 2004 as an independent, non-profit organisation under Belgian law by Dr. R. Campo, Prof. D. Wallwiener, Prof. A. Wattiez and Dr. Y. Van Belle .
In August 2007, the name of the organisation changed to The European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery (EAGS) to harmonise with the name of the journal published by the ESGE. Since 2020 the EAGS has transferred all GESEA rights to the ESGE and became an official international diploma centre, running under the name MIS Academy Europe Belgium.
Over the past years, the numerous in- and outdoor activities of
MIS Academy Europe combined with the elaboration of a solid internal organisation, have resulted in a considerable growth of MIS Academy Europe , its programmes and course offerings.

High Breed Centre

Cosmopolitan Chicken

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